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We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission



A regular programme of activities is promoted within Kings Court by our dedicated activity coordinator. Each activity is designed around keeping fit and active or to simply stimulate. We encourage residents to live their lives as they wish and are able to join in, or not as they please. Care home activities often involve the local community, and we encourage strong social links with local groups. To ensure we always look our best we have a visiting hairdresser that attend Kings Court.

Typical Daily Activities 

Beauty Therapy

Reminiscence meetings

Care games

Passive and gentle exercises

Arts & Crafts

Indoor bowling


Catering For All

We are arranging visits to religious festival celebrations at Christmas Easter as well as activities surrounding other no-religious festivals.

Our catering team provide a wide range of freshly prepared meals to suit all tastes. Our residents are encourage to make suggestions to the menu and all specific needs and allergies can be catered for.





“I could not recommend Orchard Manor highly enough, the nursing staff on Willow are superb, as are the very attentive care staff and supervision. The activities team keep residents busy with various activities which change on a weekly basis, posted on the wall to the entrance to Willow unit. It’s coming up to 18 months now that my wife has been at Orchard Manor, and from the very first time I visited to view I knew it was “the place” I wanted my wife to live. It really is a fantastic care home, with excellent staff across the board, from management to the maintenance team to the gardeners”

Mike M (Husband of Resident)

Have a Question?

Call us on:

 01403 453633

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